• Reflexology is a non-invasive ancient therapy based on the principle that each part of the body is represented in the face, feet and hands. By stimulating key points, the energy within the whole body can be positively rebalanced. I practice the Sorensensistem™ treatment, which combines this knowledge of old with the study of modern neurology and the central nervous systems.

    Reflexologists do not heal clients — the body has the innate ability to repair itself. Our aim is to bring you back to a state of inner balance, so that your body can nurture and repair. The reflexologist acts as a catalyst, assisting your body’s self-regulatory mechanisms to maintain proper function and rebuild health.

    I believe all complementary therapies have a big role to play in the prevention of today's diseases (many of them brought on by excessive stress). Rather than replacing conventional medicine, complementary therapies should work hand-in-hand so as to optimise a holistic approach for the individual.

  • Reflexology is an ancient therapy, initially used thousands of years ago by civilisations across Egypt, India, Native America, China and Japan.

    Documentation first records reflexology in 2500 BC (almost five thousand years ago!) with medical practitioners performing hand and foot treatments for patients. Ever since these days, people have found relief through such practices.

    Nowadays, the benefits of treatments are becoming more widely recognised by the medical world. The general consensus is that reflexology reduces stress and anxiety. Even if this were to be the only benefit, it’s an incredibly important one, since most diseases are a result of stress.

    Stress alters the chemistry of the body, throwing it into imbalance, which is often the catalyst to disease. Reflexology is so powerful in this regard that some hospitals offer Reflexology to cancer patients while they receive their treatment.

    The Mayo Clinic recognises the positive effects of Reflexology on the overall wellbeing of patients, including stress, anxiety and sleep benefits.

  • Foot Reflexology acts primarily on blood circulation, energising the body by delivering oxygen to every corner. The concentration of nerve endings in the feet is much smaller, so the pressure we apply is stronger in order to move the blood around your body. This releases hormones in the blood that travel to your muscles, organs and your brain, nourishing your various systems along the way.

    Facial Reflexology acts primarily on the Central Nervous System (CNS). The nerves in your face are located so near your brain that the messages don’t have to be sent far, so your brain can quickly translate them to the organ, muscle, or gland that we may be stimulating.

    Both modalities have a positive impact on the CNS and I often combine the two. By working on reflex points, your nerves are revitalised, resulting in smoother transmission of impulses through the system. This is why I often combine face and foot work to reinforce the result I am after. Sometimes, I incorporate hand work as well.

    Ultimately, all three reduce stress and create deep relaxation, a sense of balance and wellbeing, which is the starting point for healing to take place.

  • This depends on what exactly we are working on and the severity of your situation. During our initial consultation, I will evaluate what would work best for you, and suggest a treatment plan accordingly. Please book your free consultation using the button at the top right corner of this page!

  • For reflexology treatments, it will all depend on the nature of your ailment, how long you’ve been dealing with it, and also your unique body. A number of clients find some relief within the first few treatments. Of course, with cumulative treatments you will see the best results. Most importantly, no two bodies are the same so there is no concrete answer.

    With Cosmo lifting, you can usually see a little difference after the first treatment. Think of the treatment like a workout — you may see a few subtle differences quickly, and the more you do it, the more difference you’ll see. The same rules apply to the face!

  • Regarding reflexology treatments, once again it completely depends.
    Reflex therapy works best in conjunction with a commitment to positive lifestyle decisions on your part.

    With Japanese Cosmo Lifting, each person is different. In general, if you commit to 12 sessions within a month (3/week), you can expect to see great results that last 2,3 weeks or more. Plus, I’ll give you at-home exercises to maintain your results and can guide you through in an online session. Often, clients come for a top up once a month. It really depends on the person !

Book your free consultation today.