Dream Builder Coaching

Dream Builder Coaching

Ever pondered about the power of your thoughts? Your brain doesn't just think for you; it shapes your reality. Reflect on your achievements – a pat on the back is due! But what if you could achieve more, make a significant impact on your loved ones, and those you've yet to meet?

Unlock Your Potential: Join my 12-Week Coaching Program

Embark on a transformative journey with me in a unique 12-week program. This experience allows for the integration of proven coaching methodologies with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping). Importantly, this integration is entirely optional and comes at no additional cost if you choose to explore it.

Our weekly one-hour sessions, available both in person and online, provide a dedicated space to delve into the meaningful changes you've been longing for. Having personally found EFT to be a profound support in my own growth journey, I'm eager to offer you the opportunity to experience the same benefits, should you wish to incorporate it into your program.

Let's address the real but changeable circumstances of life. Our thoughts dictate whether we succumb to these conditions or seize the opportunity to lead a fulfilled life, free from doubt. Embrace the chance to take small, daily steps towards empowering thoughts, and imagine a life that truly resonates with happiness and fulfilment.

Does this perspective strike a chord with you? Reach out! Call or message me to kickstart a collaborative journey towards building a life you'll love.

What to expect:

Over 12 weeks, the program addresses various facets of life, including an entrepreneur’s journey building their own business. This program delves into all aspects of life because everything is interconnected.

  • In the beginning of Dream Building, the challenge for most people is allowing themselves the space to answer the question, “What would I love?” In this first week, you will discover your capacity to dream. You will also learn how to apply your best thinking to create a possible life that you would absolutely love to live.

    Lesson 1: What Is Within You Is Greater Than Anything Outside of You

    This first lesson will help you learn how to reveal to yourself what it is you really want to be, do, create or give – without limitations. You will be introduced to the basics of Dream Building.You will learn that you have the capacity to bring forth your dream, but it will take some work because most people have been trained to look to conditions to determine what they can accomplish.

    Lesson 2: Building Your Dream: Defining What You Really Want

    This second lesson will help you define what you really want, so that you decide for a dream life that you would absolutely love living. What if you gave yourself permission to dream beyond your current reality? Where could these thoughts take you?

    What Dream Builder coaching client Sophie G. had to say about Week 1: I was quite excited to figure out what my dreams might be, but also to discover how thought patterns limit these dreams and to become aware of these patterns in myself. The course is not something you do for 30 min and then put it away until the following week. It stays with you and going through my daily life, I keep being reminded of content included in the two lessons. I feel I am much more aware and empowered.

  • In the first week of Dream Building, you learned to open yourself up to the question, “What would I love?” This week, you will take your answer and test it to determine if this possible life is worthy of you.


    Lesson 3: Discovering Whether Your Dream Is Right for You

    Lesson 3 will guide you in deciding for and then testing your dream to see if it is worthy of your life’s energy. You are worthy of any dream you can conceive because life deemed you worthy by giving you life. The real question is if the dream is worthy of you! It is important that the dream you put your energy into is one that is in alignment with your purpose and core values.

    What Dream Builder coaching client Sophie G. shared about her experience in Week 2: I spent the week pondering questions such as: “Is my dream worthy of me? Am I selling myself short? What are my values?” All good things to think about!

  • Now that you have tested your dream to see if it is worthy of you, the next step is increasing your sense of deserving for your dream. The way you perceive yourself and your life plays a huge role in determining the amount of access you have to your true potential. You have the ability to change your perception of anything and it is essential that you change your self-perception or self-image in order to achieve your dream.

    Lesson 4: Perception: Shifting Yours So You’re Ready for Change

    Lesson 4 will help you shift your perception of yourself, so that you are ready to change your life for the better. You can never outperform your self-image, but you can always change and improve your image of yourself. Your limiting beliefs cause you to stop dreaming and accept your past and present as all there is to life. By awakening your “roar” and shifting your sense of self, you will move ahead in the process of building your dream.

    Lesson 5: Laying Claim to Your Sense of Deserving

    Lesson 5 will help you amplify your sense of feeling deserving.Throughout your life you probably have had positive experiences that were meaningful, enriching and valuable. However, your inner voice of doubt and judgement may challenge your right and worthiness of such good fortunes. By learning to accept your “Self” and moving into a vibration of gratitude, you will begin to attract the good your mind and heart desires.

    What Dream Builder coaching client Sophie G. shared about her experience in Week 3: During week 3, I worked on identifying patterns in my life and where they come from. Then the course gives you the tools to overcome those patterns if they are limiting.

    It made me think a lot about my upbringing and how some of those thinking patterns influence and limit my dreams. I realised I have the energy to change that within in me. That is empowering… I don’t need anything from the outside! The source of change is within all of us.

  • Fear is simply the border of the reality you have known and your dream is a life that lives beyond that border. You will come up against fear on the path to achieving your dream. Accomplished DreamBuilders are those who succeed in the presence of their fear, not in the absence of it. This week you will learn how to take your attention off your fear and fix your attention on your dream in order to succeed in building the life that you’d love to live.

    Lesson 6: The Gap: Befriending Your Fear

    Lesson 6 will allow you to bring awareness to your fear. It’s impossible not to have some fear in life, so it’s important you acknowledge your fear and learn how to befriend it. This way, you honor fear’s presence, but kick it out of the driver’s seat in order to advance confidently toward your dream. The next step is to allow this dream to flourish by creating the environment necessary for it to unfold.

    Lesson 7: The Gap: Turning Your Fear Into a Stepping Stone

    In Lesson 7 you will learn strategies and skills for deepening and developing your spiritual muscles for overcoming fear. What you give your attention to, the universe hears as your Intention. Learning to manage the energy that you give to fear, allows you to redirect that same energy towards creating your dreams.

    What Dream Builder coaching client Sophie G. shared about her experience in Week 4: This course has many revelations that just stick to my mind. Two of my absolute favourites:

    • Don’t react but respond. Be aware of the different levels of engagement.

    • Where attention goes, energy flows. If you am thinking of my divorce, I can’t pour my energy into my dream. Make sure that most of your time you pay attention to things that are worthwhile, not things that eat you up!

  • We live in an abundant universe and when you are generous, you align with the one source of the Universe through your way of being. The act of giving aligns you with the Universe’s generosity and opens you up to the circulation of life’s energy. Giving is important, but the other side of that is learning how to receive. This week you will learn the power of giving and the power of receiving, which will bring you closer to your dream.

    Lesson 8: The Gap: Turning a Sense of Lack into the Recognition of Abundance

    Lesson 8 will help you understand that you are an abundant being and that it’s your nature to demonstrate success in the areas of your highest interest. Your experience is all about your perception. The way you see the world is not the way another will see it. The power to choose this perception lies within you and can only be altered by you. Life happens through you, so it is only able to occur in the way you allow it to. What you truly focus on, you create more of.

    Lesson 9: The Gap: Activating the Law of Circulation Through Giving

    In Lesson 9 you will learn how the action of giving initiates the Law of Receiving. If you are aligned with the generosity of the Source (or Universe), you are open to the flow and experience of ideas, resources, circumstances and people that will help you on your path to your dream. Through selfless giving, you connect with the flow of the Universe and you will receive abundance.

  • Last week you learned the power of giving and receiving, which flows right into this week’s lesson on forgiveness. Forgiveness is widely misunderstood as an act for another person. However, as you will learn, forgiveness is actually for yourself!

    Lesson 10: The Gap: Liberating Yourself From Constriction Through Forgiveness

    You will learn in Lesson 10 to evaluate your life so that you may discover where you can practice forgiveness in order to release any remaining constriction or resentment from your mind. You now know that in order to receive abundance, you must give. Forgiving is one way that you give to yourself. You must give up the negative perceptions of people and things that have hurt you in the past in order to allow yourself to receive the positive.

  • As you now know, forgiveness is giving up one perception for a higher perception of something. This is a very powerful practice, so this week you will focus on forgiveness at an even deeper level by learning how to implement it on a regular repeated basis.

    Lesson 11: The Gap: Taking the Steps Between Separation and Connection Through Forgiveness

    Lesson 11 will teach you how to consciously forgive yourself and others on a regular basis because resentment can creep back in even if it was previously forgiven. Forgiveness can be difficult and should not be expected to happen all at once but in increments over time. When you forgive, you change the way you look at things. Through forgiveness you develop compassion and you are able to see beyond what is present.

  • Now that you’ve gained insight into how and why you practice forgiveness, you will learn how to recognize your intuition, or your “still, small voice.” Your intuition is your inner voice that is your life speaking to you and if you listen closely, it will guide you toward the life you’d love to live.

    Lesson 12: The Life You Are Holding in Your Hands Is Yours

    Lesson 12 will teach you how to listen to your intuition on a deeper level. As you listen to it more, you become happier. Your intuition, or inner voice, is always existent in your life but you may not always recognize it. Everyone has this inner voice and most people know that it guides them on the right path, but they do not always listen. Building a familiarity with this inner guide is going to allow you to find answers to your questions within yourself.

  • Your intuition will help guide you toward the life you’d love to live, but there will be times where you will have difficulty believing in yourself. It is actually impossible to build your dream life on your own, so this week you will learn how to create a support system of people who truly care about you.

    Lesson 13: Building a Bigger Believing: Creating a Support System to Navigate the Gap

    In Lesson 13 you will see an actual, tested and working process for creating the support system you need to navigate the gap between where you are now and where you are in your dream. When you are unable to believe in yourself, it is good practice to surround yourself with others that believe in you. Creating a group of supporters who have your best interests at heart and have a strong belief in you even when you do not, will help propel you to achieve your dreams. Your purpose is to reciprocate this support by believing in your supporters and holding them in high regard.

  • After learning how to establish your partners in believing, the next step is to help each other access answers to your current challenges. This will take some work, so this week you will learn specific strategies that you and your partners in believing can use that will shift your thinking from your problems to definite solutions.

    Lesson 14: Changing the Channel: A Frequency for Answers and Solutions

    Lesson 14 will help you be more receptive of the ever-present abundance of the infinite. By shifting your thoughts to be more compatible with answers, insight and inspiration, you will essentially “empty your cup” so the Universe can fill it with its abundance. You’re not expected to go through the process of building your dreams alone. Having a believing partner to encourage you along the way and believing in the dreams of others, is part of the process. Taking the steps to identify your believing partners and making the commitment to encourage each other on a regular basis leads to a new way of thinking.

  • Even if you follow your intuition and gain valuable solutions from your partners in believing everyday, you will most likely still encounter some failure along your Dream Building journey. This week you will learn how to properly look at your failures, so that they don’t stop you in your tracks on your path toward the life you’d love to live.

    Lesson 15: Failure: The Gift of Feedback

    Lesson 15 will help change your perception of failure from a stumbling block into a stepping stone. Through failure you may be receiving a new direction for your dream, or the Universe may be directing you to something that’s much greater for you. Failure is not a step back or an obstacle, it is a learning opportunity that will help you determine your path to building your dream.

  • As you approach the conclusion of this program, recognize that you have now defined your dream, tested it, increased your sense of deserving for it, you faced your fears, you gave and received, you practiced forgiveness, you listened to your intuition, you created a support system and you changed your perception on failure. Give yourself a pat on the back for all the hard work you have already done because you deserve it! In this final week of the DreamBuilder™ Program, you will learn why the journey to get to your dream life is actually the best gift of the whole process.

    Lesson 16: Harvesting Your Dream: The Beginning

    This 16th and last lesson in the DreamBuilder process will help you understand the feeling of amplified aliveness that you will experience or may have already experienced as you are building your dream. The point of building a dream is not to get to the end and then start enjoying life. The journey in getting there is part of the gift. It is important to enjoy each day and celebrate who you are as you build the dream.

Level of effort:

Upon enrollment, you'll gain exclusive access to a training portal featuring a wealth of materials, including audio and meditation recording, as well as written assignments to be explored between our sessions. Our sessions, running consecutively for 12 weeks, will span 60-75 minutes each.

  • Audio course length: 20 – 30 min

  • Meditation length: 5 min

  • Homework / workbook length: for you to decide. The homework is what you decide.

What happens after the course?

Upon completing the course, many participants express a desire to revisit and deepen their understanding. Should you choose to repeat the program, the same discounted price will be extended, along with the opportunity to contribute testimonials. Additionally, I am developing coaching block bundles for those seeking ongoing support in their journey.

There is a continuous path and support system available for those wishing to further explore and deepen their transformative work after the initial 12-week program. Access to deep-dive therapeutic work will remain available as needed in the future.