Rosa’s coaching diary: “It's a constant work in progress!”

Hi Dream Builder Community! I’m Rosa and I have been working with Shermine on the Dream Builder Coaching program since the beginning of Spring. It’s been quite the self-discovery adventure, as you can see below.

Week 2: Entertaining the idea of ‘is the dream worthy of me?’ has brought a new perspective. It brings value to myself, as opposed to doubting if I am worthy of the dream. This shift in thinking offers a more empowering and encouraging perspective on life. It reinforces the idea that I am in control of my life, rather than letting life control me. I love it!

Week 3: This week, I’ve been reflecting on the thought that ‘we are far more powerful than we think ourselves to be.’ I've spent time identifying which habits, beliefs, and behaviours I need to change to raise my vibration and feel more deserving. It also helped me understand that to feel more deserving, I may need to step out of my comfort zone. I realized how fear, worries, doubts, and thoughts of failure prevent me from making changes.

Week 6: This week, I've been reflecting on resentment. I spent time identifying people towards whom I may have been holding resentment and noticing where in my body I felt a reaction. To my surprise, I discovered there are more people I feel resentful towards than I initially thought. While this resentment may not significantly impact my daily life, it's present when I think about these individuals, and I can see how it drains my energy.

I’ve started incorporating forgiveness as a regular practice, aiming to make it a daily habit to release those thoughts and feelings that keep me locked in a prison I thought I built for someone else. This practice frees up energy that I can use in more positive ways. In working with this forgiveness practice, I remind myself to separate the behaviour from the person, which helps me look at things from a different perspective. It seems like a simple practice, but it requires a lot of consciousness to apply in the moment. It's a constant work in progress!


Diana T: “I had forgotten that it is still possible to dream.”


“I am relieved that I am taking control of my life to decide how to move things forward”